Monday, April 11, 2011

Well! Here you are!

I was wondering where this blog went! Here I am again..let's see if I can make it through the year without losing it again!

What's new since the last post?

The girls are 8, 10 & 12
- We don't homeschool anymore - the girls are in public school
- We've moved 40+ miles away from our original MN homestead
- I work at home now as a customer service agent
- 12 yr old plays violin in school - just started in October and has already been bumped up 2 levels
- 10 yr old take piano lessons and is excelling
- 8 yr old loves to tell stories and draw
- We have 2 rabbits - Teddy and Fritz
- I am writing the book I've always wanted to write - well, it's a story now, hopefully will be a book some day. :)

As you can see, life is thrilling here. Hopefully something more substantive to post next time.