Monday, April 11, 2011

Well! Here you are!

I was wondering where this blog went! Here I am again..let's see if I can make it through the year without losing it again!

What's new since the last post?

The girls are 8, 10 & 12
- We don't homeschool anymore - the girls are in public school
- We've moved 40+ miles away from our original MN homestead
- I work at home now as a customer service agent
- 12 yr old plays violin in school - just started in October and has already been bumped up 2 levels
- 10 yr old take piano lessons and is excelling
- 8 yr old loves to tell stories and draw
- We have 2 rabbits - Teddy and Fritz
- I am writing the book I've always wanted to write - well, it's a story now, hopefully will be a book some day. :)

As you can see, life is thrilling here. Hopefully something more substantive to post next time.

Monday, March 17, 2008

New Past time

A year ago I would have never thought I'd do this but yesterday I did something I've always wanted to try...I took my first skeet shoot lesson! I got 6 out of 25 (mostly from the low house). I used a Beretta 20 gauge semi-automatic rifle. And though my wrist hurts and my shoulder is bruised...I LOVED IT! Will definately do it again soon!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Three Victorian Maidens

Here are my girls in the Victorian cloaks and muffs gramma sent. They love them. My oldest exclaimed, "We can pretend we're cardinals flying around in the snow!" Such imagination!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I'm still alive...just tired. The kids are still sleeping so I'm going to go snag a few more z's.

Stay tuned...

Monday, November 05, 2007

5 Years old today!

Little bit is 5 today! She said she couldn't be five because she wasn't long enough yet!

Friday, August 31, 2007

Settling in

Well...we are here in lovely Minnesota. The land of sprawling FREE parking lots, beautiful lakes and the best gosh darn Goodwill I've ever been to in my life! OH! How I've missed the midwest!

The girls LOVE the area...our landlord gave them a swingset and we have a huge aquarium in the basement with 15 oversized goldfish and 'kisser' fish.

We are quite happy here! How are you?

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Starting over's been awhile. I'm not really good at blogging...but I want to give it another try. we go!

We are moving from New York to Minnesota on Friday the 13th! Good thing I'm not superstitious. Hubby got a job teaching at a Catholic High School (finally done with least for now....sigh.)

I can't believe the time has gone by so fast...and I am SO glad to be leaving NY, even though we've made some great friends (I will especially the neighbors in our building and my crew at Lakeshore Learning Store where I worked part time) but I am ready to get back to where I belong.